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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Coat: Step Two

Step Two: Alterations

So after you have found your coat you may have to do some alterations. Personally wanted to cut the buttons off and take the coat in in the back (sewing the back together) to make it look tighter but you don't have to do this. Once you have what you want it is time to spray paint. This you do not need to do but my coat was black and that would not do. Depending on the material you may have to get other than just spray paint but I used brown spray paint on leather and it worked well.You should do two coats on each side and let it dry.  

This is what my trench looked like after I finished.

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Coat: Step One

First: Finding the coat

Now if you have the money you can get one made (1st Above), or find one from Cosplay (2nd Above: Note, not actually a Gambit trench) for $100 or more. But the best thing to do is to just look around for one online or in stores. You could probably get a good deal on ebay or google shopping and maybe you could find one at a store for less than the above or professionally made coats but your best bet is to do what I did and go to a bunch of Savers and Salvos in search of a great trench for a great deal. They usually have older styles anyways which works much better for Gambit. I found an amazing leather trench coat for only $20 at Savers that fits me perfectly and looks just like Remy's. You may have to alter it a bit, like I had to tighten it in the back and spray paint it brown, but it will be worth the small amount of work.

Also you might be able to ask around and get one from someone you know for less. Who knows!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Remy Funnies

Just some interesting versions of Remy I found, haha.

The Boots: Step Two

Second: Finding/spraying/making the knee pads

So for the knee pads I found some nice baseball shinguards. I had to cut some foam off of the top of the knee pad and then I spray painted it silver. Next I cut out two triangular pieces of foam and stuck them onto the knees, also I spray painted them silver. Stay tuned for step three.

The Boots: Step One

First: Find/spray the boots

Well I'm obviously going for his metallic boot look. First things first, you need the base of your entire piece. This would be just the boot itself. You want something tight around your foot that goes above your ankle and something without heels. It doesn't matter the color, you can just spray paint it silver like I did. If you have to get womens boots just make sure they look alright like mine. I couldn't find any any men's boots that lloked good and fit so I went with this which I am really happy with. Go with whatever look you want.

The Gloves

Finding a good pair of gloves can be hard. Luckily my dad still had his old motorcycle gloves from when he was a teenager. Of course I am going with the Uncanny X-Men: Issue 266 style when Gambit had the open fingered gloves rather than the more comonly known two finger opened gloves. If you don't have a pair you might be able to find some, just ask your friends and neighbors. A lot of newer gloves have logos on them that are hard to get off and might not be as good of quality as these. If worse comes to worst then just find a nice pair online somewear, I'm sure they aren't too expensive.

Real Quick!!!

A great place to shop for any costume pieces would be at Salvation Army or Savers. They both have great deals. Salvo has the better price but you are more likely to find what you want at Savers. If you can't find what you want try getting the best deals possible online.

Face Mask: Step Two

Second: Cutting out the front/ears

Once you have the mask you can begin to shape it. Find a picture of Gambit you like and with chalk, while wearing the mask, draw the outline of what you want the shape to be. The best way to cut it out is with some type exacto knife or blade. The way I did it was I folded the mask in half and cut along the lines so that both sides would be even. You could just as easily use sissors though, but it might not be as exact. Once you have the shape you should tighten it to how you want it to look on your face. Then add some more velcro so you can make it as tight as you wanted. After this you can put it on and make a stencil for your ear holes. They should be a little smaller that your entire ear. Place the stencil where your ear is and fill it in with chalk. Cut out the ears and you have your face mask.

Face Mask: Step One

First: Finding a mask.

This cost about nine to fifteen dollars, I can't remember the shipping price, and you can find one you like at